Book Mark this page now, and print it out. Do not delete this file "tutorial.html" from your directory as it contains vital instructions and information on how to use and access your account.

What is the address of my Home Page?

The URL for your Homepage is

You can easily replace this file which is called index.html, by placing it in your ftp directory.

In your favorite FTP program or web page editor enter:

Server Name:
Username: your_username
Password: your_password
Your Web Pages are uploaded into the "" directory.

Remember to upload your main page with the name "index.html" and make sure to upload all your web pages to the "" directory only.

In your root "" directory you will find the following:

barricadewhite.gif -->generic "under construction" image
error.html ----------->default error page for your domain, you can edit this file, but do not change the name
index.html ---------->default start/home page (this is the page you will see when entering in a web browser)
tutorial.html ---------->this is the page you are looking at now
CGI-BIN ---------->this is where you may install your cgi's
For complete support and full tutorials Bookmark and visit this link :
The Tutorial Pages

For emergency notification purposes you have access to our 24/7 Web Based Crisis System. This page can be accessed at:

What is a a Home page and how is it made?

A home page is a document that can be seen with a web browser like Netscape. This document can contain just about anything: Text, images, animation, sound, or video. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Basically, HTML is a bunch of code that tells your web browser what your home page is supposed to look like. We have provided various links to places that describe how to use this code. However, if you are like me and you want an easy way out, well there is. It is called a "Web Page Editor." PageMill by Adobe, FrontPage by Microsoft, ClarisHomepage by Claris Corp., and World Wide Web Weaver, are just a few. With programs like these building your own web pages is as easy as drag and drop.

This is an example of an HTML coding for a simple page:



VLINK="#F17337" background="Images2/bkg.gif">

<B><TT><FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#0000AF"></FONT></TT></B>

<P><B><TT><FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#0000AF">&nbsp;</FONT></TT></B></P>


<FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="#0000AF"> This is an example of an HTML coding for a simple page:<IMG SRC="Images2/dot.jpeg" WIDTH=421 HEIGHT=2





Need More Help? Start Here

Book Mark this page now, and print it out. Do not delete this file "tutorial.html" from your directory as it contains vital instructions and information on how to use and access your account.

For information or comments please mail us

or call us at 262-248-6759.
Our business address is:
Bella Mia, Inc.
401 Host Drive
Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Copyright © 1997-00



Last updated 2/14/00 Web Page Design by: Kingbloom Design and Bella Mia, Inc. Copyright 1997-00